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Aus aktuellem Anlass möchten wir auf eine für das Rheinland, Köln und NRW wichtige Initiative hinweisen: Das aus gegebenem Anlass natürlich international benannte fellows network cologne. Das interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Netzwerk verbindet Kulturinstitutionen und -produzenten, initiiert Dialoge, ist Ansprechpartner und Berater zugleich.
Das fellows network cologne möchte unabhängige Kunst- und Kulturproduzenten mit etablierten Kunst- und Wissenschaftsinstitutionen vernetzen - lokal wie international. Wir finden, das ist eine wunderbare, lohnenswerte Arbeit, die wir in diesem Sinne hier gerne vorstellen und unterstützen wollen.
Kein Wunder, dass die Stadt Köln, die Rheinenergie Stiftung für Kultur und die Akademie der Künste der Welt zu den Förderern fellows network cologne zählen. Denn die Initiative bewirbt und fördert spannende Kultur, ist ein wichtiger Wegweiser im Informationsdschungel.
Hier folgt nun die etwas detailliertere Selbstbeschreibung in englischer Sprache und der aktuelle Newsletter, dessen Abonnement wir Ihnen - wehrte lesende Kunstproduzenten, -interessierte und -vermittler - ans Herz legen möchten.
'The fellows network cologne/NRW is an intercultural and interdisciplinary platform encouraging dialogue among the various residency programs, fellows and artists in residence in Cologne and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). It aims to connect the independent art scene with established art and research institutions and functions as a general contact for fellows and artists in residence for any concerns.
In order to develop a floating dialogue the network established regular meetings for fellows in various spaces and in close collaboration with our partner institutions in Cologne and NRW. The blog serves as an information pool: listing events, current fellows and artists in residence and providing links and helpful materials.'
Und hier der aktuelle fellows network cologne Newsletter, den man abonnieren oder auf der Website des fellows network cologne lesen kann:
'Don´t miss your last chance for PLAY-Festival, with four works of current and former CAT-Cologne artist in residence Rosalind Breen, Joël Verwimp, Sam Hopkins and BorderlessTV, a group initiated by Felipe Castelblanco.
Feel kindly invited to forward open calls by Pact Zollverein and RuhrResidence. I hope to see you on tuesday evening for the reading group with current Academy of the Arts of the World Fellow Jan Sowa and Hubert Gromny "Popular Culture against Fascism".
Therese Schuleit
PLAY: Joel Verwimp - A.L.R.E.A.D.Y. and former fellows
The score, D. Aftermath (2014) for Cologne by Lindsey Drury, extended by Joël Verwimp for CAT Cologne in the context of the PLAY, video and performance festival 2017.
Popular Culture against Fascism
The fourth meeting of Academy’s reading group will be dedicated to the political potential of popular culture. We will analyze how movies, computer games, videoclips and TV series express political ideas and in which way they can promote anti-fascist agenda.
Our examples will include South Park, Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Wolfenstein. The New Order and Iron Sky 2. The guests of the meeting, Hubert Gromny and Jan Sowa, will present their research in the field, especially a modification of a stategy war video game „Hearts of Iron IV“.
The fourth meeting of Academy’s reading group will be dedicated to the political potential of popular culture. We will analyze how movies, computer games, videoclips and TV series express political ideas and in which way they can promote anti-fascist agenda.
Our examples will include South Park, Beyonce, Kendrick Lamar, Wolfenstein. The New Order and Iron Sky 2. The guests of the meeting, Hubert Gromny and Jan Sowa, will present their research in the field, especially a modification of a stategy war video game „Hearts of Iron IV“.
Last Call - Pact Zollverein residencies
Running all year round since 2002, the residency programme is at the heart of PACT Zollverein’s day to day work. Open to professional artists from home and abroad who work in the areas of dance, performance, media arts or music and closely linked to PACT’s two other core strands of activity in presenting work and facilitating research and development, the programme is a key element in PACT Zollverein’s profile as an Artists’ House supporting lively exchange between practice and theory. While occupying their own designated space and essentially working independently, residents may choose to take advantage of various kinds of production support such as dramaturgy, technical assistance, project management as well as press and publicity.
The application deadline for residencies is 3rd of july 2017 at 5 pm (central European time). Read more.
Open Call - Ruhr Residence 2017
Envisioning the german ruhr-region as a field for experimentation, laboratory, room for possibility and feasibility, thekunstvereineruhr, a consortium of about 15 art societies and art houses in the ruhr-area, developed the concept for »ruhr.residence«. The format of residency is divided into the fields »go« and »return«. »go« applies to in-situ artists: in form of a scholarship, eight ruhr artists get the chance to travel to a country they deem relevant to their artistic advancement as artists.
»return« brings international artists living outside of the ruhr-area into the region: during a research phase that can last up to three months, they are given the opportunity to develop conceptsand crucial questions for new works of art. all residencies will be simultaneously documented on the website www.kunstvereineruhr.de as well as social media and, subsequently, will be available as a lasting online archive.
Jan Sowa - Academy of the Arts of the World
Sowa is the author and editor of numerous publications, including the volume of essays A Joy Forever: Political Economy of Social Creativity. In his articles, monographs and essays, he criticizes the interpretation and handling of Polish history.
Sowa counts as one of the most important voices of the European Left. He lives in Warsaw. Read more.
Sowa is the author and editor of numerous publications, including the volume of essays A Joy Forever: Political Economy of Social Creativity. In his articles, monographs and essays, he criticizes the interpretation and handling of Polish history.
Sowa counts as one of the most important voices of the European Left. He lives in Warsaw. Read more.
Niq Mhlongo is a Johannesburg-based journalist and novel- ist. After his novels Dog Eat Dog (Ohio University Press 2004) and After Tears (Ohio University Press 2007), Way Back Home (kwela 2013) is his first novel published in german. his most recent publication is Affluenza (Kwela 2016), a collection of short stories. In June 2017, Mhlongo is a fellow of the Academy of the Arts of the world.
Mehr Informationen und Newsletter-Abonnement, hier
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